
ZTR took part in the "Bright Race"

ZTR took part in the

For the first time In Zaporozhye the event was held on a grand scale.мирового масштаба.

More than a thousand the men and women of Zaporozhye took part in the incredibly spectacular race! Such a celebration of the race takes place in different countries. Since this year its holding in Zaporozhye can also become the traditional event, and "Bright Race" can become the visiting card of our city and another “attention grabber” for attraction of the tourists to Zaporozhye and indulge the soul of our citizens. This bright event was not ignored by ZTR employees who took part in it .

The “attention grabber” of this event was not even the number of the participants, but the fact that the organizers connected the usual race with the Indian tradition of showering the paint on the Holi holiday. Of course, some runners were not very happy when they were thrown with paint bags, but from the outside it was very bright and impressive. The photos made at the finish were really wonderful! Our participants were not only proud of themselves for the fact that they have eventually come in, but also shared the incredible emotions.


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